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Temporarily sell your crypto

Earn fixed fees on your crypto being used in crypto financing.

  • Equal distribution
  • Highest APY
  • Fixed rate
  • Variable rate
7 - 30 days
31 - 60 days
61 - 90 days
91 - 180 days




Fee (earned)


Fund Distribution

  • 7-30 days
  • 31-60 days
  • 61-90 days
  • 91-180 days

How to temporarily sell your crypto?

Selling a loan position on BarakaFi is as simple as purchasing one, allowing you to liquidate assets as needed.

Step 1

Go to your Sell page

This will enable you to select your assets.

Step 2

Select the asset you wish to temporarily sell

Choose an asset and select the fund distribution you wish to achieve your desired fee.

Step 3

Confirm and complete setting up your fixed income fund

Confirm the crypto you want to temporarily sell and then a fixed income fund will be created using your crypto for use in Crypto financing.

How does it work?
Is it secure?

What is Crypto Lending?

Cryptocurrencies have become a popular investment option in recent years. However, did you know that you can also earn fee’s on your digital currency through crypto financing?

A growing trend allows individuals to temporarily sell their cryptocurrency to others in exchange for a fee. This cryptocurrency is then used by the financier to make investments or purchases.

In addition to earning passive income from their digital assets, crypto financing with BarakaFi offers investors a unique opportunity to minimize the risk associated with market volatility. Everybody can get fixed-rate and fixed-term financing with BarakaFi.